

澳门足球博彩官方网址 cheerleader Amelia Huffman wearing her cheer uniform and holding pom poms.



文森地区,印第安纳州. - Amelia Huffman's path to Vincennes University was driven by a profound passion for law enforcement. 从小就开始, she harbored a desire to become a police officer, drawn to the idea of serving the public and bringing justice to those in need.

澳门足球博彩官方网址的全国排名 国土安全和公共安全 bachelor’s degree program just a stone's throw from her hometown of Linton, 印第安纳州, Amelia found the perfect university to pursue her dreams. 热情地拥抱机会, the Dean’s List student has immersed herself in campus life, 平衡学习和娱乐 学生活动.

As a member of the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Cheerleading squad, Amelia brings boundless energy and spirit to campus 事件. She fondly recalls the camaraderie and support she found within the campus community. From attending engaging 事件 like 家庭 Feud and the Spring Gala to participating in Operation Christmas Child, she cherishes every moment of her college experience.

课堂之外, Amelia seized invaluable opportunities to gain real-world experience in her field through an internship with the 印第安纳州 State Police, 为她提供第一手的见解, and further fueling her passion for public service.

As she prepares to embark on the next chapter of her journey, she has already secured a promising career opportunity in St. 佛罗里达州圣彼得堡. With a firm commitment to combatting issues like human trafficking and drug enforcement, Amelia envisions a future filled with meaningful contributions to her community and beyond.

下面, 阿米莉亚反映了她的似曾相识的经历, 分享她的职业抱负, 是什么让她成为了开拓者, 和更多的.


“我一直想帮助别人. I'm very big into helping the community and doing public service. I love being with people and I always have enjoyed being in the action.”


“我得到了St. 佛罗里达州圣彼得堡, a few weeks ago, and I accepted it. I'll be starting there in June and I'll be starting the police academy. I'll take all of the knowledge I've learned here over the past four years and just heighten it for six months at the police academy. I’ll be training and learning all of what they have in their police department, 希望六个月后, I'll start working for the police department there. I would hope to work somewhere in human trafficking.”


“最终, I would like to use this degree and go somewhere federal, maybe border security or the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration). I'm big into stopping drugs and human trafficking. That is one of my main reasons for wanting to go into the field.”

How have you actively participated and contributed to campus as a student? 

“嗯,我喜欢这个校园. 我喜欢澳门足球博彩官方网址的活动. I always go to bowling nights and the silent disco that we've had the past two years was probably my favorite event we've ever had. I participated in Operation Christmas Child through Campus Christian Fellowship and the Conservation Club, 那真的很有趣. 我喜欢给孩子们送礼物. 我认为这是一件很棒的事情. I've really enjoyed being at all the 事件 on campus and cheering and being at all the games. 这对我来说是大学的一个好处. It was something to do and I met a lot of people through it.”

What would you say has been your most significant experience at 澳门足球博彩官方网址? 

“Some of my professors have made a big impact on my life. 卢·卡普里诺教授, 退休的联邦调查局探员, has just been great in helping show me where I'd want to go and what I want to do. 他给了我很多经验和人生建议. It's the same way with Conservation Law Enforcement Professor Eric Doane. I've taken two of his classes and they were very hands-on.”

Tell us about your internship with the 印第安纳州 State Police.

“Last summer I did an internship with the 印第安纳州 State Police. This was an internship that I found online and it turned out to be amazing. 我和他们一起工作了200个小时. Every two to three days, I would go on a shift with a trooper for at least 10 hours. 澳门足球博彩官方网址会逮捕一些人. 澳门足球博彩官方网址会做现场清醒测试. 澳门足球博彩官方网址会帮助人们. 有一次澳门足球博彩官方网址甚至推了一辆货车. 我看了很多东西,还拿到了搜查令! I got to see what everyday life is for a police officer or a trooper. 这是一次非常好的经历. I felt like it was pushing me towards exactly what I wanted to do, 即使不是在印第安纳州. 也, meeting those people and them telling me how it is and being friendly to me made for some good references and I can use them for future jobs. I would recommend taking an internship for anyone not only in the Homeland Security program because it's required, 但是其他专业, 太. 实习是你能做的最好的事情.”


“I'm a Trailblazer because I push people to go to things. 我督促别人学习. I always try to encourage people, especially people that I meet at on campus. I try to encourage the people in the two-year degrees to get their bachelor's degree here because I feel like getting your bachelor's degree is a big step in your career. 就我个人而言, 获得这个学位, I'm going to go on and be able to get pretty much all the jobs that I would want because I have this degree. I'm trailblazing my own path going into law enforcement, and I am going to help people.”

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